> January 2011 ~ Top Hedge Funds

Sovereign Wealth Funds, Strategy and Transparency

Sovereign Wealth Funds, Strategy and Transparency

Sovereign Wealth Funds

Issued by the International Institute of Sovereign Wealth Funds  SWFs an update of the investments of sovereign wealth funds in the world for the fourth quarter of last year, according to these estimates the total investment funds, sovereign wealth in the world in the fourth quarter of 2010 amounted to $ 4.1 trillion, and notes from the table that sovereign wealth funds recovered levels investments at the international level, after the decline in these funds in the wake of the global financial crisis, which could be attributed to the surplus achieved by the countries that own these funds in the balance of payments, while not a direct these surpluses to invest in the national economies of the State of the royal of these funds, based on the limited capacity of domestic law of those States, and give rise to these huge investments of SWFs concern of industrial countries is clear, and international concern stems from the wealth funds of the political weakness of transparency surrounding the investment of these funds, and fear Of the possibility of using those assets to finance other non-commercial purposes.

According to estimates by the International Institute for sovereign wealth funds, have the GCC sovereign wealth funds with a total investment of U.S. $ 1.42 trillion, which represents about 35 per cent of total investments of sovereign wealth funds in the world.
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Vulture fund Definition

Vulture Fund is Hedge Fund invest some financial portfolio to buy government debt, it is often very cheap and then work in various ways to get what they owed the debt of these countries, which are often poor.
And often live in the wild most of the funds abroad in the tax oases, islands of Cayman, for example.

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What is a Hedge Funds

Hedge funds, also known as risk funds are financial institutions investment, consists in the most likely cases, the properties of the investors, and investing in many cases are the strongest in the areas of risk where betting on the future of the financial instruments in a very comprehensive and complex. And hedge funds are the result of broad liberalization in the global capital markets.

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